At Education Services, we believe that there is the right schooling environment for every child and for every ability. Finding a good fit is part of the education selection process which we offer. Taking into account your child’s unique profile, the family situation, your research into suitable schools in your area, your budget and preferences. We help to ensure that the correct shape fits the correct hole, providing the right mix of academics, sport, cultural, character development and self-discipline to ensure a successful journey to graduation.
Children need to be competent in areas such as: Reading, mathematics, writing, paying attention, using fine and gross motor skills, amongst others. There could be a number of reasons why progress is slow, and if any of these areas are lagging or not developing effectively, an educational assessment might be necessary.
-> Learning Barriers Checklist for Primary School
An educational assessment is conducted by an educational or clinical psychologist and in addition to showing how a child learns, an assessment can provide a diagnosis of a learning disability. At Education Services, we can refer you to the correct practitioner.
It is pretty normal to experience occasional anxiety. However, people with anxiety disorders often have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. These feelings interfere with daily activities and are difficult to control. They are generally out of proportion to the actual danger and can last a while. If left undiagnosed or untreated, it can lead to more serious mental health challenges later on. If you have a suspicion that your child has an anxiety disorder, it is better to follow your gut and get a professional opinion.
There are public schools for special needs. You will have to contact the local district office of the Education Department and request an evaluation. There is paperwork that needs to be completed by you, the parent, the current school (if applicable) and an assessment will be conducted. If the recommendation is for special needs school placement, it will be handled by the local office. This process could take up to 3 years. Education Services can assist by providing a list of schools and facilitating the application process.
A child’s’ reading ability depends on many different factors and influences. For some, reading can be frustrating and at times, seemingly futile. These children struggle to learn the individual letter sounds, blends and sight words and so reading is slow, tedious and they can seldom understand what they are reading about. We say there is a type of word blindness called dyslexia. If they don’t enjoy reading for fun and there is family history of dyslexia, there is a strong possibility that they might also be dyslexic. If you are concerned about your child’s reading ability, contact an education consultant for an assessment.
-> Dyslexia Screening for Primary School
Suspect a problem if your child struggles with any of these:
Yes. One of the main components of Education Services is to support you, the teacher.
We will help you to create a welcoming and encouraging learning environment and be an enthusiastic and stimulating teacher so that your enthusiasm and passion for teaching will be infectious.
This complex, yet common issue is found throughout a child’s schooling career. We will work with you to find the most appropriate management plan to ensure a successful outcome.
Yes. Education Services can assist in the selection of the most appropriate accommodations and concessions for improved progress.
In every class of each grade, there are one or more children who struggle with learning for whatever reason. Our function is to provide support for teachers who are faced with the daily task of teaching children. We provide mentoring, support, and in-service training workshops for teachers. This includes exposure and guidance to new and creative resources, as well as how to supplement existing teaching strategies.
Note: Education Services is NOT part of the Department of Basic Education. We are independent private practitioners offering these services.
-> Find out more about how we can assist you by completing our schools
There are many benefits of being a member. On-going professional and emotional wellness support is offered, relevant to the different demands that come with every school term. In addition, further support is guaranteed through being part of a vibrant and dynamic educational community.
Anyone who works in a teaching-learning environment, for example: a school principal, teacher or student-teacher-in-training and registered school counsellors.
We have two kinds of memberships for teachers/schools
No. Schools must provide the contact details of a selected staff member to receive and distribute all communication.